
[Article published on IP News] Funeral Address to the deceased Dr. Sanghee Rhee

Funeral Address to the deceased Dr. Sanghee Rhee

(IP News, published by the Korean Patent Attorneys Association on Sep. 22, 2023)


                                                                                                               Myung Shin Kim, Past President

                                                                                                               The Korean Patent Attorneys Association


The chairman always emphasized a creative life and was passionate about everything!

As President of the Korea Space Boys Association, you instilled creative spirit and hope in young dreamers and dreamed of Korea's limitless future as a science and technology country.

The chairman led us on our difficult path and inspired us to be incredibly gratified while working diligently for the development of Korea's science and technology and patent attorney field.

You promised to meet me three days ago, but you got so busy that you left me alone.


After obtaining a doctorate in pharmacy from Seoul National University and a Patent Attorney qualification, you lived as a significant pillar of Korea's science and technology field and a standout in the patent attorney field throughout your life.


In the early 1980s, when you were a four-term lawmaker and minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, you were able to save 400 billion Won a year by developing a localized vaccine that treated 12 percent of hepatitis patients in Korea, while getting help from the head of the U.S. FDA and reducing the cost of the vaccine from 30,000 ~ 40,000 Won to 3,000 Won.


In 1998, when our juniors, including me, launched a campaign to establish a Patent Court by revising the Court Organization Act, we succeeded because you gave us a lot of advice and encouragement.

You have been able to lay the foundation for Korea to become a scientific and technological country by enacting the Aerospace Industry Promotion Act, establishing the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, creating a world-renowned bio-industry research complex in Gwangju, establishing the Life and Science Institute, enacting the Ocean and Fisheries Development Framework Act, the Basic Act on the Development, Use and Promotion of New and Renewable Energy, the Special Act on E-Commerce, the E-Learning Industry Development Act, the Basic Science Research Support Act and the Small Size Atomic Energy Power Plant.


In particular, calling for a science and economy president in the 2002 presidential race and the military camp composed of 100,000 computer experts in preparation for cyberwar is still a big echo for us.


We will forever remember the achievement that the Korean Patent Attorneys Association (KPAA) restored from a voluntary organization to a public entity. The KPAA could play its role in the public interest after serving three times as the President of the KPAA, according to the eager wishes of many patent attorneys.

To reorganize the intellectual property system as a national survival strategy of Korea, which has no natural resources, you and I obtained the approval of a juristic qualification from the National Assembly Secretariat as co-representatives of the Intellectual Property Forum. We combined the bill signed by 102 lawmakers with another governmental bill prepared by the Heads of 13 Ministries and Agencies to enact and implement the Intellectual Property Framework Act.


As such, we were able to set up the three five-year plans for national intellectual property policy and received massive financial support for those who have suitable technologies but could not do business because they did not have money. Additionally, we were able to shorten the period of patent infringement litigation dramatically in our country by concentrating the courts in charge of patent infringement cases. We will remember all your outstanding achievements. Just as there are the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and the Federation of Korean Artistic Organizations, you asserted that we needed the Federation of Intellectual Property Organizations in Korea.


So, in April 2007, you and I held an inaugural meeting inviting 64 organizations related to industrial property and copyrights. After that, in 2010, the Federation of Intellectual Property Organizations was finally established as a corporation with the approval of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Information and Communication. In May 2013, you founded the International Association of Korean Intellectual Property Experts and served as the first President. Regarding these results, I thank you for your dedication and persistent efforts to develop Korea's intellectual property system.


Further, we will remember your dedication and service as Chairman of the Science, Technology, Information and Communication Committee of the National Assembly, Chairman of the Science and Technology Foundation, Chairman of the National Advisory Council on Science and Technology, President of the Korea Invention Promotion Association, Chairman of the World Federation of Social Sports, Chair Professor of Gachon Medicine and Science University, Director of the Gwacheon National Science Museum, Chair Professor of Pukyong National University, Chairman of the Green Life Knowledge Institute, and Chairman of the National Science and Technology Advisory Council under the Korea Parliamentarians' Society.


I reported to you that the lawmakers of the Legislation and Judicial Committee, the National Assembly, who qualify lawyers, continued to violate the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act by Public Officer and the National Assembly Act and proposed to meet you to prepare a countermeasure, but you went to heaven without hearing about the patent attorney's right to act as an agent of a patent infringement lawsuit.


But now we will work hard to develop the national interest and intellectual property system, following your belief, courage, and wisdom who dreamed of becoming an intellectual property country.

Now, let all your worries go, and I pray you will continue to fulfill your dreams by our side in the next life. I pray for your peace and rest in peace.

                                                                                                                                                     September 16, 2023